Saturday, November 26, 2011

Organising the team

  • Participating pedagogs:
    - Claire Roussi from Gerard Philippe Ecole maternelle
    - Sabine Geney-Gris from Extenat Notre Dame (to be confirmed)
    (They need a letter what explains exactly what is expected from them)
    They will confirm the methods used with the ad-spot test and conduct the initial tests. They can add practical advises to the parents in the relevant chapter.

  • Sociolog,
    - Iwan Barth
    Writing the opening chapter, explaining the reasons behind this poject. Helps organising.

  • Child psycholog
    - Adrienn Biró (to be confirmed)
    Explains the vulnerability of the chidren. Explore those qualities in the small children what can be the bases to build the "immun system" on: natural naivity, sense of justice, etc...

  • Market research expert
    - Philippe Claveau from Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) de Grenoble
    - Possible some students can be involved...
    In a chapter of the book he explains the meaning of marketing and its strategies. Clarifying the positive and negatíve aspects, the used methods and the possible counter-methods.
    Create the concept of the "ad-aware" brand. How to feel pleasure and intellectual satifaction by resiting artificial emotional pressure, and "catching out" the traps. To feel liberated by being able to say NO! to aggressive and blackmailing adverts, and feel the power to give your money to those who are honest with you.
    Helps to construct the spot-ad sheets and the stop-ad exercise books.
    Works out a strategie to work with Parents Associations, helping them to understand the concept of the project, and attact them to participate.

  • Illustrator
    - Yve ?
    Designs the general style, appearance of the book and the excercises
    Drawing illustrations for the book chapters,
    (He need a letter what explains exactly what is expected from him)

  • Editor
    - Djilali Djelali (Serendib)

  • Publisher, electronic typesetting, print preparation
    - Attila Horvath

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