Monday, October 17, 2011



Our economy is based on consumption.
The main influence on consumption is marketing and advertisement.
The marketing is one of the main force in our everyday life, but apart of a narrow minority, almost nobody is aware of how it works, and how it influences our choices every day.

The general aim of his book is to share the science of marketing with the wider (not highly educated) public in order to regain control of their own choices. More precisely, we would like to offer help to parents who feel that they are loosing the fight against the pressure of advertisements targeting their children.
The final target is that like the multiculturalism and enviromental awareness, the "technics in marketing" should have a place in the daily life, (like the highway code, where we all  learn from early age to stop at the red light, look around before cross the road and other rules to stay safe and alive.) The education system need to be warned that this area was undeservedly neglected in the past.
The book will be written by experts in the fields of child psychology, economy, market research, sociology, journalism and other relevant sciences. It will use  a simple language, examples, images and a lot of humor  to make the complex subject of the marketing easier to understand and entertaining to read.

  • The book is not an outright anti-marketing book. The marketing is not evil, but often used unfairly. The target is to identify the aggressive and abusive martketing tecnologies, understand their composition and develop strategies to neutralise them in the children's environments.
  • To educate the parents and children to recognise marketing technics. It should to start the early - 2-3 years of age - because the effects of marketing starts at this age: the children getting familiar with logos, brands, slogans, fachion.
  • Most of the parents do have the feeling that something is not right, but they can not express it in words, so they do not talk about it, therefore they can not do anything about it, and they feel, it is only their problem. They need a clear set of terminology to be able to understand and discuss the whole concept.
  • After a long fight, the unhealthy products got regulated and warnings written on them, "penalty" taxes applied, and their advertisements banned. It is important to recognise that certain poducts and practices are dangerous to the family and need a similar treatment.


All the contents need to be considered by the following point of views :
  • child psychology: studying how the effects of marketing changes the child's behaviour and his/her relation to the authoruty of the family. Developing "immuising" strategies.
  • marketing/advertisement: technologies used, classifying them by "danger level"
  • sociology: finding out, how it effects to the relations in the wider society
  • literary qualities: easy to read for the wide public, preferably a light style, with lot's of humor


  • The personal example is the strongest way. Demonstratively not folloving negative trends, becoming a conscious consumer would become the best way to make the children understand. Daily explaining our consuming habits.
  • It is fairly easy to teach the cild that the sugar taste good, but causing holes on the teeth and makes them fat and lasy. So the food can be classified to tasty but bad and not to tasty but very healthy. This analogy can be used for films, books, computer games too.
  • It is very useful to point out that a shiny box often covers low quality toys, food, etc.
  • Minimise advertisements in the child's environment... less TV, minimal internet, good selection of children's magazines. Explaine in details the unavoidable marketing technics and advertisements 
  • ...


  • Description of the consumer society with its negative sideeffects and establishing the fact that many of us notice them or suffer from them, and it is not necessary to be like that.
  • Pointing out the areas where the advertasing/marketing is in conflict vith the family's traditional values in different age groups. 
  • Outlining the fair legal demands of  "advertisement-free" public areas where people/families can spend their life without aggressive influences. (bus stops, streets close to schools, kindergartens, TV channels, effective turning off advertisements on internet, etc). Can that be an individual's right to minimise/select the advertisements around himself ?
  • Explaining the psychological and emotional tools to influence our decisions. The power of brand names. Here we need precise details about the attractiveness of sweet/silly cartoons, comics, violence, what are the "baits" to glue the children in front of the TV or magasines, where they become emotionally "receptive" for the advertisements. Make the parents aware, that TV programs and magasines only the media to transmit advertisements. Programs, articles are selected to create positive environments, feelings for the advertisements, so themself also have to considered as adverts.
  • Offering practical advises, helping to "immunise" the children against the most dangerous effects.
  • Attaching a simple ( 4page) workbook for all the different age-group (2-12) where they can practice to spot the advertisement among neutral information and/or differenciate between good and bad marketing technics. (example: out of 3 pictures which is an advertisement? What method it using? Is it fair?)
  • Glossary with the most tipical good and bad advertising practices for guidance for the parents.


  • Because the book's main subject is advertisement it is inevitable to use logos, brand names, registered trademarks, examples, and their uses are normally restricted in public media. It seems important to clarify they usage to avoid legal diffculties. 

  • Contacting one or more Parents Association which would contributing to the project, and where the issues could be discussed and put in practice with children.
  • Agree with Ecole Maternelle Gerald Phillipe to test the workbook for the agegroup 3-6. Prepare 20 pictures for the children to see if they recognise the difference between the "real" activities and adverts. The process should be filmed to be able to share the results with professionals for study the result.  


  • Short term: taking fuller control of rising the child, turning them back to the family, substantial savings on the unnecessary products, less conflicts within the family.
  • Mid term: better parent-child relations especially during the complicated teenager period, more positive social behavior patterns
  • Long term: the more family oriented children can contribute to a less material society and taking good care of the elderly.

  • The industry: it will attempt to use more sophisticated methods, but finally they have to recognise the fact, it need to offer the goods and services what the public really need and want.
  • The politics: will  see that the public is more aware of their communication methods therefore these methods become less effective, increasing the chances of those players who use the more "honest" communication methods.
  • Ideology: By provoking a dicussion about one of the most visible but least understanded komponent of our consumerism-based life, it can create a new method to build a more liveable and  sustaniable society.

        Sunday, October 16, 2011

        Supporting Projects

        Propose and conduct an experiment with Ecole Maternelle Gerald Phillipe to test a workbook for the agegroup 3-6. Prepare 20 pictures for the children to see if they recognise the difference between the "real" activities and adverts. The process may be filmed to be able to share the results with professionals for study the result.

        The test is made up of two parts
        1. The ad-spot should show, that the children can recognise advertisements, and their decisions are influenced by them. 
        2. The ad-stop is a little tool, to develop an ability to consciously recognise an advertisements and "treat" them that way. This one can be fine-tuned by differentiate between good (informative) and bad (pushy, manipulative) advertisements.
        During the test the children see different images of  "normal" life activities, objects, and advertisements.
        Would they able to notice the difference? How? Do they want to have those objects on the advertise pictures more than the others?   Why ?
        Here we need the professionals, the child psycholog and the marketing expert to select the appropriate images and to find the right words to conduct the experiment.

        Contacting one or more Parents Association which would contributing to the project, and where the issues could be discussed and put in practice with children.

        Proposed titles

        Workshop : Disassemble the Marketing

        Popular marketing for the popular market

        Who is rising your child?

        Rising a consumidiot.

        Parenting a consumisiot

        Marketing self-defense

        Our children are targeted?

        Unsorted thoughts

        This is NOT an anti.... Project
        The problem not the advertisement or the marketing.

        The problem is that they can be and sometimes are used on a dangerous ways, so children need too be prepared.
        There is a place for advertisements in the modern society when it draws attention for real values related of work, comfort, entertainment, safety and healths... even in politics, but there it called propaganda or public relations.
        Similarly to the traffic on the road : The cars are dangerous, but by being careful, we can stay safe. Don't need to ban the cars.

        On individual level impossible to cope
        For a single person, or a family alone unable to resist to the huge pressures of advertisements and make wise choices. The current economic crisis is the vitness of this. The liberated credit system with a sophisticated marketing methods created the biggest debts of human history. Our children growing into this world without any warning.

        Using many examples, images
        To explain different sides of getting protected, we need to use "images" often more than one.
        Like examples of the traffic, or vaccination. Because people are different, some images work better for one group, some other images for others.

        Emotional chanels
        To develop the "immunising" methods, have to use the same emotional chanels like the advertisements.
        The "common sense" and the intellectual approach most of the time does not work.

        Passing down values
        Traditionally the main values were passed down from generation to generation from parents to children in a clear form. This process seems to be broken, because the younger genereations getting their valued mainly from the media ( TV, magazines, internet, street posters, etc) which are highly manipulated for economic purposes.

        Parents Associations.
        To have the widest public, have to contact as many  Parents Associations as possible, and send to them a letter, asking support for the project. That means, to introduce the "immunisation" project to the schools or kindergartens teachers and get it accepted in the education program.

        The program should cover the children between 3 and 14

        Have to have a word for parents, who already "give up" and they tend to follow trends. Most of them do that because it is easier, not out of decision. have to find a form to present the ideas to them on the way it not results in rejection straight on.

        The education system so far completly ignore the internet usage, and the Facebook likes, absolutely giving no guidance for that.

        Media and Sports in general
        Most of the media and sport events as we know them, are a surface to carry advertisements. The children have to aware of this

        For the excersises

        • What is a brand? Why necessary
        • What is a mark? What are the differences ?

        Saturday, October 15, 2011

        Expert issues

        The marketing technics often use sublime effects on the subconsciece.( bright colors, using children, animals, emotional messages)
        An easy method will be necessary to bring them to the conscience level, to spot the "unlifelike" effects, not connected figures ( cartoon characters on the muesli, etc)

        My theory is that almost anyone feels that something is "not right" around some advertisements, but they can not find words to describe the fenomen, so actually nobody talks about it. So the problem  stays on the individual level. Most of the people understand the basic terminology of politics, sport or fashion, so they can have opinion, they can discuss, argue about them, and having certain freedom in theese areas. This is not the case about marketing. It is is necessary to create a verbal environment to be able to express thoughts in this field. This is the first step to develop a conscience of the nature of the advertisements around us.

        Friday, October 14, 2011

        Relevant links / sources


        Children as consumers


        Marketing to kids

        Richard Semler:

        E. Aronson, A. R. Pratkanis:
        Age of Propaganda - The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion

        Adam Curtis/BBC:
        The century of self
        The story of stuff:

        Naomi KLEIN:
        No Logo