Friday, December 30, 2011

Vaccin contre la commercialisation


Notre économie est basée sur la consommation.
La principale influence sur la consommation est le marketing et la publicité.
Le marketing est l'une des principale force dans notre vie quotidienne, mais en dehors d'une petite minorité, presque personne n'est au courant de comment il fonctionne, et comment il influence nos choix tous les jours.

L'objectif général est de faire partager la science du marketing avec l'ensemble (non qualifiés) du public afin de reprendre le contrôle de nos choix. Plus précisément, nous tenons à offrir une aide aux parents qui sentent qu'ils perdent le combat contre la pression des publicités ciblant les enfants.
L'objectif final est que, comme la prise de conscience du multiculturalisme et de l'environnement, la "technique de commercialisation» devrait avoir une place dans la vie quotidienne, (comme le code de la route, où nous apprenons à un âge précoce qu'il faut s' arrêter au feu rouge, qu'il faut regarder à droite et à gauche avant de traverser la route et autres règles pour rester en vie.) Le système educatif doit être avertis que ce sujet a été injustement négligé par le passé.

 Le livre sera écrit avec l'aide d' experts dans les domaines de la psychologie de l'enfant, l'économie, les études de marché, la sociologie, du journalisme et d'autres sciences. Il va utiliser un langage simple, des exemples, des images et beaucoup d'humour pour rendre le sujet complexe de la commercialisation plus facile à comprendre et amusant à lire.


À court terme:
  • meilleure prise de contrôle pour elever les enfants de les retourner à la famille,
  • des économies substantielles
  • moins de conflits au sein de la famille. 
Moyen terme:   
  • meilleure relation parent-enfant en particulier pendant la période adolescente complexe, des comportements sociaux plus positifs 
Long terme:  
  • les enfants plus orientés vers la famille peuvent contribuer à une société moins materielle et peuvent prendre meilleur soin des personnes âgées.

L'industrie: elle va tenter d'utiliser des méthodes plus sophistiquées, mais finalement, devra reconnaître les faits, et devra offrir les biens et services dont le public a réellement besoin.

Les politiques: verront que le public est plus conscient de leurs méthodes de communication par conséquent, ces méthodes deviennent moins efficaces, ce qui augmente les chances de ceux qui utilisent des méthodes de communication plus "honnêtes".

Idéologie: Provoquer une discussion sur le marketing, sujet présent au quotidien mais peu compris par le grand public, créer une nouvelle méthode et construire une société plus equitable

  • Le livre n'est pas anti-marketing. Le marketing n'est pas un démon, mais est souvent utilisé de façon injuste. L'objectif est d'identifier les techniques de  martketing agressives et abusives, de comprendre leur composition et de développer des stratégies pour les neutraliser dans les environnements proches des enfants.
  •  Pour éduquer les parents et les enfants à reconnaître les techniques de marketing. Cela devrait commencer vers l'age de 2-3 ans - parce que les effets du marketing commence à cet âge: les enfants se familiarisent tres tôt avec les logos, marques, slogans, articles de mode.
  •  La plupart des parents ont le sentiment que quelque chose n'est pas juste, mais ils ne peuvent pas l'exprimer en mots, de sorte qu'ils ne parlent pas, donc ils ne peuvent rien y faire, et ils ont l’impression que c'est seulement leur problème. Ils ont besoin de comprendre la terminologie pour être en mesure de discuter de l'ensemble du concept.
  •  Après un long combat, les produits malsains ont été identifiés et réglementés, et leurs publicités interdites. Il est important de reconnaître que certains produits et certaines pratiques sont dangereux pour la famille et ont besoin d'un traitement similaire.


Tous les contenus doivent être examinées avec des point de vue differents:
  •   psychologie de l'enfant: étudier comment les effets du marketing influence et change le comportement de l'enfant et sa relation à l'autorité familiale. Développer des strategies "immunitaires"
  •  marketing / publicité: Classer  les methodes utilisées, en les classant par «niveau de danger"
  •    la sociologie: trouver, comment cela affecte les relations dans la société
  •  qualités littéraires: facile à lire pour le grand public, de préférence un style léger, avec beaucoup d'humour


  • Les exemples personnels sont les plus efficaces. Le meilleur moyen d’éduquer les enfants est de démontrer soit même que vous ne suivez pas les tendances. Expliquer les comportements des consommateurs.
  •  Il est assez facile d'enseigner que le goût de sucre est bon, mais peut provoqur des carries et rendre les enfants gros et fénéants. Donc, la nourriture peut être classée comme savoureuse mais malsaine et non pas comme savoureuse et  saine. Cette analogie peut être utilisé pour des films, des livres, des jeux d'ordinateur aussi.
  •  Il est très utile de souligner qu’un joli emballage peut renfermer des objets ou de la nourriture de mauvaise qualite,
  •  Minimiser les publicités dans l'environnement de l'enfant ... moins de télévision, moins d’internet, une bonne sélection de magazines pour enfants. Expliquer en détails les techniques de marketing et les publicités en faisant de experiences avec les enfants.


  • Décrire la société de consommation avec ses effets négatifs et établir le fait que beaucoup d'entre nous en sommes conscients mais en souffrent Ce n’est pas obligatoire que ce soit comme ça.
  •  Souligner les zones où les publicités / marketing sont en conflit avec les valeurs de la famille dans différents groupes d'âge.
  •  Décrire les exigences juridiques équitables d’espaces «sans publicité»; les espaces publics où les gens / familles peuvent être sans influence agressive. (Arrêts de bus, les rues à proximité des écoles, des crèches, des chaînes de télévision, éteindre les publicités sur Internet, etc.) Quel est le droit d'un individu de minimiser / sélectionner les annonces ou pubs autour de lui?
  •  Expliquer les facteurs psychologiques et émotionnels des outils pour influencer nos décisions. Le pouvoir des marques. Ici nous avons besoin de détails précis sur l'attractivité de sucré / stupides dessins animés, bandes dessinées, la violence, quelles sont les «appâts» pour coller les enfants devant la télévision ou magasines, quand deviennent –ils émotionnellement «réceptifs» pour les publicités. rendre les parents conscients, que les programmes de télévision et de magasines sont fabriqués pour transmettre des publicités. Les programmes, les articles sont sélectionnés pour créer des environnements et des sentiments positifs,pour les pubs. Il faut alors considérer ces programmes comme des publicités.
  •  Offrir des conseils pratiques, en aidant à «immuniser» les enfants contre les effets les plus dangereux.
  •  Ajouter un feuillet (4page)  pour tous les groupes d'âge différents (2-12) où ils peuvent repérer les pubs parmi des informations neutres et / ou être capable de différencier entre les différentes techniques de marketing. (Exemple:? Sur 3 images laquelle est une publicité Est ce que la méthode utilisée est juste?)
  •  Glossaire avec les pratiques de publicité les plus typiques pour guider les parents.
  •  Techniques et idees pour contourner le marketing


Parce que le sujet principal du livre est publicitaire, il est inévitable d'utiliser les logos, marques, marques déposées, des exemples et leurs utilisations sont normalement limitées dans les médias publics. Il semble important de clarifier leur utilisation afin d'éviter des problèmes légaux.


  • Contacter une ou plusieurs associations de parents qui participent au projet, et où les questions pourraient être discutées et mises en pratique avec les enfants.
  •  D'accord avec l'Ecole Maternelle Gerard Philippe de tester les 3-6 ans . Préparer 20 images pour les enfants pour voir s'ils reconnaissent la différence entre le «réel» des activités et les publicités. Le processus doit être filmé pour être en mesure de partager les résultats avec des professionnels et étudier le résultat.



Children as consumers


Marketing to kids

Richard Semler:

E. Aronson, A. R. Pratkanis:
Age of Propaganda - The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion

Adam Curtis/BBC:
The century of self
The story of stuff:

Naomi KLEIN:
No Logo 

Associations membres: Les 8 000 associations, auxquelles adhèrent 714 000 familles, sont regroupées à travers 70 Mouvements familiaux.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Introduction ( written by a sociologist)
  • Description of the consumer society with its negative side effects and establishing the fact that many of us notice them or suffer from them, and it is not necessary to be like that. 

Conflicts with traditional values (written by a child  psychologist)
  • Pointing out the areas where the advertising/marketing is in conflict with the family's traditional values in different age groups.
  • Explains what are the "common" qualities in us what makes us reacting more-less the same way to certain effects (sheep, peer-pressure), exploited by the mass media, and what make us different, individual, what can protect us. 
  • Explaining the psychological and emotional tools to influence our decisions.

The world of media  (written by a market research expert)

  • The power of brand names. 
  • Details about the attractiveness of sweet/silly cartoons, comics, violence, what are the "baits" to glue the children in front of the TV or magazines, where they become emotionally "receptive" for the advertisements. Make the parents aware, that TV programs and magazines only the media to transmit advertisements. Programs, articles are selected to create positive environments, feelings for the advertisements, so themself also have to considered as adverts.
  • Have to understand, that our conscience and subconscience is a battleground of companies who competing with each other using ever more sophisticated methods to eventually the consumer choose their product.

Conclusion  (written by the editor)

  • It is possible to achieve limited success on individual level with children, but it causes tension with the other "not immunised" children, therefore a wider action is necessary. Expecting stronger control from the official bodies is futile, so need to start from "below".
  • Outlining the fair legal demands of  "advertisement-free" public areas where people/families can spend their life without aggressive influences. (bus stops, streets close to schools, kindergartens, TV channels, effective turning off advertisements on Internet, etc). Can that be an individual's right to minimise/select the advertisements around himself ?

Crash course on marketing for the parents

  • In supermarkets the products  placed on the eye-level brings the most profit.
  • Loss leaders: very cheap products attracts in the customers, who also shops the expensive stuff too. 
  • The buy now pay later offer
  • Pyramid sells
  • Telephone sales - pushy salesman who have a "yes, but..." for every resistance
  • The directed choice (the alternatives are useless on purpose)
  • ....
Preparing children

It is surprising how receptive the children are if these complicated issues explained to them in the correct ways.

  • Make a habit of showing the difference between the photo on the box or on the advertisements and the real product. (eg. box of muesli, icecream, etc.) Every time the advertisement exaggerate, make them aware of it.
  • Pointing out that they wont become Spiderman/Barbie by eating chocolate with a Spiderman/Barbie character...

The most typical good and bad advertising practices for guidance for the parents.

Advertainment Hybrid online advertising and entertainment. Contains an advertising message in an entertaining format that encourages consumption. Typically used for video and music promotion and usually contains an interesting interactive element to engage viewers.

Advertorial An advertisement that is designed to look like an editorial article. It has to be identified as an advertisement in a publication but is not necessarily on a website.

Bait advertising Advertising that offers unusually low prices for items in order to draw a customer into an online store where the low-priced item is usually not available. Customer is convinced to buy a similar but more expensive product.

Banner A horizontal or vertical graphic element on a web page used to title the page, head a new section, present a company's or advertiser's message or provide a link to another page.

Behavioural research The study of human behaviour. Actions as opposed to opinion

Brand markA recognisable graphic or wording that identifies a brand, such as a logo.
Brand name The element of a brand that can be vocalised, i.e. words and numbers. 

Click tracking To track movements of individual users to a web site.

Click-through The number of times users click on a online ad and go to the advertiser's site to sign up for something, to make a purchase, or just to get more information.

Cluster theory The marketing theory which states that customers sharing demographic or other characteristics are likely also to share buying preferences.

Cold Call  The process of contacting a person (known as a prospect) that has no prior relationship with you, e.g. a telemarketing  company calling from a previously uncontacted database. 

Collaborative filtering Profiling of customer interests coupled with delivery of specific information and offers, often based on the interests of groups of similar customers.

Cross-selling  Using a customer´s buying history to select them for related offers, e.g. a car alarm for new car buyers.

Data mining The analysis of data for relationships. With information supplied over the net already in digital format, details can be loaded into databases where software can search for similarities, differences and patterns that can feed into marketing initiatives or launches.

Market Research The Market Research Society (MRS) defines research as follows: The collection and analysis of data from a sample of individuals or organisations relating to their characteristics, behaviour, attitudes, opinions or possessions. It includes all forms of marketing and social research such as consumer and industrial surveys, psychological investigations, observations and panel studies.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Organising the team

  • Participating pedagogs:
    - Claire Roussi from Gerard Philippe Ecole maternelle
    - Sabine Geney-Gris from Extenat Notre Dame (to be confirmed)
    (They need a letter what explains exactly what is expected from them)
    They will confirm the methods used with the ad-spot test and conduct the initial tests. They can add practical advises to the parents in the relevant chapter.

  • Sociolog,
    - Iwan Barth
    Writing the opening chapter, explaining the reasons behind this poject. Helps organising.

  • Child psycholog
    - Adrienn Biró (to be confirmed)
    Explains the vulnerability of the chidren. Explore those qualities in the small children what can be the bases to build the "immun system" on: natural naivity, sense of justice, etc...

  • Market research expert
    - Philippe Claveau from Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) de Grenoble
    - Possible some students can be involved...
    In a chapter of the book he explains the meaning of marketing and its strategies. Clarifying the positive and negatíve aspects, the used methods and the possible counter-methods.
    Create the concept of the "ad-aware" brand. How to feel pleasure and intellectual satifaction by resiting artificial emotional pressure, and "catching out" the traps. To feel liberated by being able to say NO! to aggressive and blackmailing adverts, and feel the power to give your money to those who are honest with you.
    Helps to construct the spot-ad sheets and the stop-ad exercise books.
    Works out a strategie to work with Parents Associations, helping them to understand the concept of the project, and attact them to participate.

  • Illustrator
    - Yve ?
    Designs the general style, appearance of the book and the excercises
    Drawing illustrations for the book chapters,
    (He need a letter what explains exactly what is expected from him)

  • Editor
    - Djilali Djelali (Serendib)

  • Publisher, electronic typesetting, print preparation
    - Attila Horvath

Why should it work ?

In the early 1900's Bernie read son uncle's - Sigmund Freud's - book and he thought he can make money aut of it.

He choose the tobacco industry and decided to convince the woman to start smoke.
Using the ideas of Freud, he linked the cigarette to the sexuality and give a "penis" to the woman, so they could challange the superiority of man.

As we aready know, his idea worked with a great sucess.

Today, 100 years later we can see an effort what targeting the "commom sense" to persuade the people to stop smoking: practically a failure.

I am sure that the more sophisticated tools of the marketing, advertisements and psychoanalisis could give us the possibility to turn the advertisement to a product and make the people aware of it. As young people can learn easily the complicated works of the dosens of features of mobile phones, following the ever changing trends of fashion, they will learn to look at the ads like this too.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Work Plan

Working out the concept for :  Publishing a book and a set of excersise sheets.
  • Collecting the available information of the subject. 
  • Create the ad-spot* tests to determine each age group's relations to advertisements.
  • Contact large number of parent assoociations and schools to offer them to participate the project by ask the children to fill out ad-spot test.
  • Using the ad-spot tests, create the ad-stop* exercises for all age groups.
  • Write the book chapters,
  • Create the 2-3 page exercise books by age groups
* ad-spot : at what age can the children identify advertisements, and how aware they are of the advertisements around them (spotting hidden adverts)
* ad-stop : an excersise designed to make the children "stop" when they see an ad, and conscienciously acknowledge them, and older age group to identify the advert' method, the way it intends to influence. They should learn to differenciate between the "informative" and "manipulatíve" adverts. It should be like a game for them, with a feeling of satisfaction once they managed to identify a "trap".

Contact scools and parent assocoations
  • Initially in local kindergarten and school try to understand how the the education system works. What are the liberties of individual teachers in choosing methods and subjects? 
  • Create the  ad-spot test series few page exercise, to determine the current level of ad-sensitivity of all age groups.
  • Contacting large number of schools and parents associations, to ask tem to conduct a simple excersise, what will be the basis for the final excercises
  • Asking the scools and associations to participate in the project by financial means and to create statistics.
Conduct the tests by age groups

Writing the chapters
 - Iwan started working on the first Chapter: 
  • Description of the consumer society with its negative sideeffects and establishing the fact that many of us notice them or suffer from them, and it is not necessary to be like that. This is an intoductory chapter, leaving points open for the other experts ( marketing, psychology) to connect to the subject. 

    Create a publishing company

    Print the books

    Monday, October 17, 2011



    Our economy is based on consumption.
    The main influence on consumption is marketing and advertisement.
    The marketing is one of the main force in our everyday life, but apart of a narrow minority, almost nobody is aware of how it works, and how it influences our choices every day.

    The general aim of his book is to share the science of marketing with the wider (not highly educated) public in order to regain control of their own choices. More precisely, we would like to offer help to parents who feel that they are loosing the fight against the pressure of advertisements targeting their children.
    The final target is that like the multiculturalism and enviromental awareness, the "technics in marketing" should have a place in the daily life, (like the highway code, where we all  learn from early age to stop at the red light, look around before cross the road and other rules to stay safe and alive.) The education system need to be warned that this area was undeservedly neglected in the past.
    The book will be written by experts in the fields of child psychology, economy, market research, sociology, journalism and other relevant sciences. It will use  a simple language, examples, images and a lot of humor  to make the complex subject of the marketing easier to understand and entertaining to read.

    • The book is not an outright anti-marketing book. The marketing is not evil, but often used unfairly. The target is to identify the aggressive and abusive martketing tecnologies, understand their composition and develop strategies to neutralise them in the children's environments.
    • To educate the parents and children to recognise marketing technics. It should to start the early - 2-3 years of age - because the effects of marketing starts at this age: the children getting familiar with logos, brands, slogans, fachion.
    • Most of the parents do have the feeling that something is not right, but they can not express it in words, so they do not talk about it, therefore they can not do anything about it, and they feel, it is only their problem. They need a clear set of terminology to be able to understand and discuss the whole concept.
    • After a long fight, the unhealthy products got regulated and warnings written on them, "penalty" taxes applied, and their advertisements banned. It is important to recognise that certain poducts and practices are dangerous to the family and need a similar treatment.


    All the contents need to be considered by the following point of views :
    • child psychology: studying how the effects of marketing changes the child's behaviour and his/her relation to the authoruty of the family. Developing "immuising" strategies.
    • marketing/advertisement: technologies used, classifying them by "danger level"
    • sociology: finding out, how it effects to the relations in the wider society
    • literary qualities: easy to read for the wide public, preferably a light style, with lot's of humor


    • The personal example is the strongest way. Demonstratively not folloving negative trends, becoming a conscious consumer would become the best way to make the children understand. Daily explaining our consuming habits.
    • It is fairly easy to teach the cild that the sugar taste good, but causing holes on the teeth and makes them fat and lasy. So the food can be classified to tasty but bad and not to tasty but very healthy. This analogy can be used for films, books, computer games too.
    • It is very useful to point out that a shiny box often covers low quality toys, food, etc.
    • Minimise advertisements in the child's environment... less TV, minimal internet, good selection of children's magazines. Explaine in details the unavoidable marketing technics and advertisements 
    • ...


    • Description of the consumer society with its negative sideeffects and establishing the fact that many of us notice them or suffer from them, and it is not necessary to be like that.
    • Pointing out the areas where the advertasing/marketing is in conflict vith the family's traditional values in different age groups. 
    • Outlining the fair legal demands of  "advertisement-free" public areas where people/families can spend their life without aggressive influences. (bus stops, streets close to schools, kindergartens, TV channels, effective turning off advertisements on internet, etc). Can that be an individual's right to minimise/select the advertisements around himself ?
    • Explaining the psychological and emotional tools to influence our decisions. The power of brand names. Here we need precise details about the attractiveness of sweet/silly cartoons, comics, violence, what are the "baits" to glue the children in front of the TV or magasines, where they become emotionally "receptive" for the advertisements. Make the parents aware, that TV programs and magasines only the media to transmit advertisements. Programs, articles are selected to create positive environments, feelings for the advertisements, so themself also have to considered as adverts.
    • Offering practical advises, helping to "immunise" the children against the most dangerous effects.
    • Attaching a simple ( 4page) workbook for all the different age-group (2-12) where they can practice to spot the advertisement among neutral information and/or differenciate between good and bad marketing technics. (example: out of 3 pictures which is an advertisement? What method it using? Is it fair?)
    • Glossary with the most tipical good and bad advertising practices for guidance for the parents.


    • Because the book's main subject is advertisement it is inevitable to use logos, brand names, registered trademarks, examples, and their uses are normally restricted in public media. It seems important to clarify they usage to avoid legal diffculties. 

    • Contacting one or more Parents Association which would contributing to the project, and where the issues could be discussed and put in practice with children.
    • Agree with Ecole Maternelle Gerald Phillipe to test the workbook for the agegroup 3-6. Prepare 20 pictures for the children to see if they recognise the difference between the "real" activities and adverts. The process should be filmed to be able to share the results with professionals for study the result.  


    • Short term: taking fuller control of rising the child, turning them back to the family, substantial savings on the unnecessary products, less conflicts within the family.
    • Mid term: better parent-child relations especially during the complicated teenager period, more positive social behavior patterns
    • Long term: the more family oriented children can contribute to a less material society and taking good care of the elderly.

    • The industry: it will attempt to use more sophisticated methods, but finally they have to recognise the fact, it need to offer the goods and services what the public really need and want.
    • The politics: will  see that the public is more aware of their communication methods therefore these methods become less effective, increasing the chances of those players who use the more "honest" communication methods.
    • Ideology: By provoking a dicussion about one of the most visible but least understanded komponent of our consumerism-based life, it can create a new method to build a more liveable and  sustaniable society.

          Sunday, October 16, 2011

          Supporting Projects

          Propose and conduct an experiment with Ecole Maternelle Gerald Phillipe to test a workbook for the agegroup 3-6. Prepare 20 pictures for the children to see if they recognise the difference between the "real" activities and adverts. The process may be filmed to be able to share the results with professionals for study the result.

          The test is made up of two parts
          1. The ad-spot should show, that the children can recognise advertisements, and their decisions are influenced by them. 
          2. The ad-stop is a little tool, to develop an ability to consciously recognise an advertisements and "treat" them that way. This one can be fine-tuned by differentiate between good (informative) and bad (pushy, manipulative) advertisements.
          During the test the children see different images of  "normal" life activities, objects, and advertisements.
          Would they able to notice the difference? How? Do they want to have those objects on the advertise pictures more than the others?   Why ?
          Here we need the professionals, the child psycholog and the marketing expert to select the appropriate images and to find the right words to conduct the experiment.

          Contacting one or more Parents Association which would contributing to the project, and where the issues could be discussed and put in practice with children.

          Proposed titles

          Workshop : Disassemble the Marketing

          Popular marketing for the popular market

          Who is rising your child?

          Rising a consumidiot.

          Parenting a consumisiot

          Marketing self-defense

          Our children are targeted?

          Unsorted thoughts

          This is NOT an anti.... Project
          The problem not the advertisement or the marketing.

          The problem is that they can be and sometimes are used on a dangerous ways, so children need too be prepared.
          There is a place for advertisements in the modern society when it draws attention for real values related of work, comfort, entertainment, safety and healths... even in politics, but there it called propaganda or public relations.
          Similarly to the traffic on the road : The cars are dangerous, but by being careful, we can stay safe. Don't need to ban the cars.

          On individual level impossible to cope
          For a single person, or a family alone unable to resist to the huge pressures of advertisements and make wise choices. The current economic crisis is the vitness of this. The liberated credit system with a sophisticated marketing methods created the biggest debts of human history. Our children growing into this world without any warning.

          Using many examples, images
          To explain different sides of getting protected, we need to use "images" often more than one.
          Like examples of the traffic, or vaccination. Because people are different, some images work better for one group, some other images for others.

          Emotional chanels
          To develop the "immunising" methods, have to use the same emotional chanels like the advertisements.
          The "common sense" and the intellectual approach most of the time does not work.

          Passing down values
          Traditionally the main values were passed down from generation to generation from parents to children in a clear form. This process seems to be broken, because the younger genereations getting their valued mainly from the media ( TV, magazines, internet, street posters, etc) which are highly manipulated for economic purposes.

          Parents Associations.
          To have the widest public, have to contact as many  Parents Associations as possible, and send to them a letter, asking support for the project. That means, to introduce the "immunisation" project to the schools or kindergartens teachers and get it accepted in the education program.

          The program should cover the children between 3 and 14

          Have to have a word for parents, who already "give up" and they tend to follow trends. Most of them do that because it is easier, not out of decision. have to find a form to present the ideas to them on the way it not results in rejection straight on.

          The education system so far completly ignore the internet usage, and the Facebook likes, absolutely giving no guidance for that.

          Media and Sports in general
          Most of the media and sport events as we know them, are a surface to carry advertisements. The children have to aware of this

          For the excersises

          • What is a brand? Why necessary
          • What is a mark? What are the differences ?

          Saturday, October 15, 2011

          Expert issues

          The marketing technics often use sublime effects on the subconsciece.( bright colors, using children, animals, emotional messages)
          An easy method will be necessary to bring them to the conscience level, to spot the "unlifelike" effects, not connected figures ( cartoon characters on the muesli, etc)

          My theory is that almost anyone feels that something is "not right" around some advertisements, but they can not find words to describe the fenomen, so actually nobody talks about it. So the problem  stays on the individual level. Most of the people understand the basic terminology of politics, sport or fashion, so they can have opinion, they can discuss, argue about them, and having certain freedom in theese areas. This is not the case about marketing. It is is necessary to create a verbal environment to be able to express thoughts in this field. This is the first step to develop a conscience of the nature of the advertisements around us.

          Friday, October 14, 2011

          Relevant links / sources


          Children as consumers


          Marketing to kids

          Richard Semler:

          E. Aronson, A. R. Pratkanis:
          Age of Propaganda - The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion

          Adam Curtis/BBC:
          The century of self
          The story of stuff:

          Naomi KLEIN:
          No Logo